Nikita LapinI found the perfect Architecture for Flutter apps.As professional engineers, we all want to write maintainable and easy-to-understand code. But how can we succeed if we build on the wrong…May 27, 20228May 27, 20228
InFlutter CommunitybyKen Lee Chiaw HuatFlutter Provider Architecture with Firebase Full Guide — by building a working CRUD appFlutter Provider Boilerplate with Firebase — come with working CRUD appMar 15, 20202Mar 15, 20202
InFlutter CommunitybySamia AshrafFlutterFire UI — Simplifying Social Logins in FlutterSocial authentication is a multi-step authentication flow, allowing you to sign a user into an account or link them with an existing one.Apr 23, 20222Apr 23, 20222
Anthony GordonFlutter’s First Micro-framework | NyloI recently released v1.1.0 for Nylo, a micro-framework for Flutter developers.Aug 9, 202111Aug 9, 202111